UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) has recently declared COVID-19 vaccines to be “a global public good.” The pandemic is a global phenomenon and can only be approached, and ameliorated, from a global perspective. No nation can be left out. But our efforts must begin with our local communities.

We, as religious and interreligious leaders in the Eugene and Portland areas, are committed to doing everything we can to urge eligible congregants to get themselves and their loved ones vaccinated as soon as possible, if they have not already done so.

We stand firmly with the clear recommendations of the scientific and medical communities. Getting vaccinated is the responsible thing to do, both for our own health and for the health of our neighbors. We are all in this together.


Rev. Adam Briddell, Eugene First Methodist Church, Eugene

Rev. Dan Bryant, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the U.S. and Canada

Karlene Clark, Lead Pastor, Wesley United Methodist Church, Eugene

Rev. Tom English, Deacon, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Eugene

Rev. June Fothergill, Ebbert United Methodist Church, Springfield, OR

Rev. Nancy E. Gallagher, Rector, Episcopal Church of St. John the Divine, Springfield, OR

Rabbi Meir Goldstein, Oregon Hillel, Eugene

Evlyn Gould, Cantor and Spiritual Leader, Temple Har Zion

Ibrahim Hamide, Eugene Middle East Peace Group and Café Soriah, Eugene

Rabbi Emeritus Yitzhak Husbands-Hankin, Temple Beth Israel, Eugene

Harinder Khalsa, Interfaith Facilitator, Eugene

Sat Bir Khalsa, Eugene

Pastor Rachel Langford, Emmaus Lutheran Church, Eugene

Peter Laufer, James Wallace Chair Professor of Journalism; Co-Director, UO-UNESCO

Crossings Institute, University of Oregon, Eugene

Rev. Warren Light, Esq., Director, Wesley Center, University of Oregon, Eugene;

Pastor, Spirit of the Valley, United Methodist Church, Halsey, OR

Rev. Jennifer Martin, Pastor, Central Presbyterian Church, Eugene

Barry Nobel, Eugene, author of Mindfulness in Judaism: Comparing Jewish with Buddhist

Teachings on Awakening

The Rev. T. Birch Rambo, Priest-in-Charge, The Episcopal Church of the Resurrection, Eugene

Omar Reda, MD, Founder, “Untangled: A Platform for Love, Hope, and Healing,” Portland

Rev. Jen Youngsun Ryu, Unitarian Universalist Church in Eugene

Rabbi Jonathan Seidel, President, Oregon Interfaith Hub, Eugene

Steven Shankman, UNESCO Chair in Transcultural Studies, Interreligious Dialogue, and

Peace; Co-Director, UO-UNESCO Crossings Institute, University of Oregon, Eugene

Myobun Esther Freinkel Tishman, Dharma Teacher, Buddha Eye Community Zen Temple,

Eugene; Interfaith Chaplain, Sacred Heart Medical Center, Springfield, OR

Arun Narayan Toke, former co-president, Interfaith Prayer Service International, Eugene

Imam Mamadou Toure, Bilal Masjid Mosque, Beaverton

Rev. Lauri Watkins, The Episcopal Church of the Resurrection, Eugene