The Elijah Interfaith Summer School and Interreligious Leadership Seminar 2022: Return to Jerusalem

We are returning to Jerusalem and you, too, are invited to return to Jerusalem with us. 

Following a two-year break from Jerusalem, when our summer school program only met online, we are delighted to announce that the Elijah Interfaith Summer School and Interreligious Leadership Seminar will take place in person, in Jerusalem (as well as online).Because we (and you) are returning to Jerusalem, we have made “Return to Jerusalem” the theme of our summer program. 

When: 24-29th July; 31st July -4 August, 2022
Where: Jerusalem, Shir Hadash, Yaakov Rubin 1 (off Graetz)Hours: Morning sessions: 9:00 am -1:00 pm; afternoon sessions (live-streamed): 4:00 – 7:00 pm. 

What Will You Learn?
  • Jerusalem in Judaism, Christianity and Islam and in other traditions
  • The meaning of “return” in theological and spiritual terms:
    • Loss and consolation
    • Exile and return
    • Return to oneself – return to one’s identity
  • Why we return to sites of pilgrimage
  • Concepts of time – return in time

This year’s summer school features a special training module in the art of prayer. Return to Jerusalem is a pilgrimage and prayer is foundational to pilgrimage. Returning to Jerusalem is also symbolically the discovery of the power of prayer. 

Following a week of reflection on different interfaith dimensions of “return” and of “Jerusalem”, the second week will be a prayer-training seminar. Deepening the prayer experience in the mutual presence of believers of different faiths is part of what we understand Jerusalem to represent and what Elijah’s vision for Jerusalem is. 

The Art of Prayer is a regenerative learning approach exploring a core component of our shared human existence – our natural capacity for prayer. In this workshop we will practice gradual steps that delicately unfold the field of prayer; and allow us to freshly rediscover our own meaning in praying. Together we reformulate and refresh pathways into the intimate experience of being in the world – of becoming creatures endowed with curiosity, kindness and a sensitivity to the yet unknown. It is about transforming our understanding of the act of prayer from a mere practice into a living model for existence.

Our faculty: The summer school is led by Rabbi Dr Alon Goshen-Gottstein, assisted by Peta Jones Pellach. This year, they will be joined by Rabbi Ian Pear and other teachers from around the world, including:




Prof Marcia Hermansen (Muslim, USA)



Rabbi Daniel Kohn (Jewish, Israel)




Bishop Domenico Sorrentino (Christian, Italy)





Prof Vanessa Sassoon (Buddhist, Canada)

Baruch Brenner and Dana Ganihar (Jerusalem, Jewish)
…and other religious leaders and scholars from India, Pakistan, Indonesia, the UK and elsewhere, from faiths including Hinduism and Sikhism.


Whether you have visited Jerusalem, or only imagined it,
Whether you have been part of the Elijah community previously, or have only heard of it,
As you explore the meaning of “return” to deeper self and to higher reality,We look forward to welcoming you.

For further information, please visit: Elijah Interfaith Summer School